
Showing posts from August, 2016

Favorite Songs of the Month (August'16)

So, it's Saturday but I have no where to go. I have always been looking for something to kill the time such as blogging and watching, etc for since last 2 weeks. But for this week especially I feel really bored and boring at the same time. I'm writing this post out of boredom, hoping I can share a little bit of the things that I have. Maybe we'll start with my favorite song of the month. I have been listening to some songs that I think have good melodies. So I'll list it down below. ❤ Pelangi by Hivi! I knew this song through my bestfriend and been loving Hivi's songs since their "Siapkah Kau Tuk Jatuh Cinta Lagi?". The previous songs are kinda flirty and cheerful, which the last song doesn't bear. I feel like Pelangi could be a soundtrack of some romantic Disney-ish movie HAHA. The chorus was especially good since their vocalist have such a soft and unique head voice (and so did the ex-vocalist). The song itself have a very sad meanin...

[Review] Jacquelle Invisible Eyelid Tape Baby Flow

Hello guys, it's Megga. In this post I will be reviewing one of my favorite eyelid tape brand, Jacquelle. And since this is a local brand from Indonesia, I will be writing in Bahasa (; Pertama kali aku tau tentang Jacquelle ini dari instagram, pas itu kalau ga salah lagi direview salah satu beauty guru di instagram. Yang membuat aku tertarik adalah packaging nya yang lucu, reviewnya yang bagus dan page instagram official Jacquelle yang clean *well, I'm kind of a clean addict actually.* Setelah melihat reviewnya, kuputuskan untuk beli. Yang kubeli pertama dulu bukan yg invisible eyelid tape jenis ini, tapi jenis "Mint Lace" gitu kalo ga salah namanya. Yg itu bentuknya kayak jaring2 dan ribet, walaupun hasilnya bagus. Setelah yg Mint Lace udah sisa dikit banget, aku beli yang Baby Flow ini di Sociolla. Jacquelle gampang banget didapetin produknya. Ada di Sociolla, Sephora, Shopee, dll. Mari kita melakukan review yg lebih mendalam (: ♥ Packaging Packagingnya lucu...