
Mindil Beach, Darwin NT (17 Feb 2017)

Holla everybody! Just wanna share some photos taken at Mindil Beach in Darwin, NT. So I went there on Feb 17th 2017, with some friends and we were there to watch sunset. Beautiful sunset! We were lucky it wasn't raining but the dark clouds did bother me a bit :(  See ya on my next post!

Padang Padang Beach, Bali (amazing!)

Holla! How is your holiday going? I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday and merry christmas guys! ☺☃ So, I went to Bali on the 24th and I had only one day to explore Bali before going to Darwin (yes! Darwin with crocs). And I had this idea about exploring the south part of Denpasar city since I only have a little time. I chose to stay at a hotel just in the middle of Ngurah Rai Airport and Uluwatu temple.  I'll have to tell you this! I stayed at Puri Tamu Hotel which I booked via Traveloka. The room was clean, the place is nice and the most important thing is the friendly staff! The staff offered me free bottled drinks (which I could choose myself), and brought me to the nearest atm for FREE! I was kind of shocked by their hospitality and I recommend you to stay at the hotel. The reviews are still hard to find because they just started promoting the hotel online. But totally worth the money value! Okay next! On the 25th, I rented a motorbike from the hotel and I go...

Frequent Q&A about Work and Holiday Visa Australia (WHV)

Holla! How are you guys doing? I hope everybody has a wonderful day and a great holiday hahaha so in this post, I would like to share the most frequent questions that people ask me. If you have any question, you can leave a comment below or just find me on email . △  Apa syarat untuk mengikuti Work and Holiday? Telah berusia 18 tahun atau belum berusia 30 tahun pada saat pengajuan permohonan surat rekomendasi; Memiliki kualifikasi setingkat perguruan tinggi, atau telah menjalani pendidikan di perguruan tinggi setidak-tidaknya 2 (dua) tahun pendidikan; Belum pernah mengikuti program bekerja dan berlibur sebelumnya; Memiliki paspor yang berlaku sekurang-kurangnya 12 bulan; Memiliki tingkat kemahiran berbahasa Inggris sekurang-kurangnya tingkat fungsional; Tidak disertai oleh anak-anak di bawah umur; Memiliki sejumlah dana seharga tiket pergi-pulang dan untuk membiayai keperluan selama mas...

Cara Membuat HAP ID Visa Australia (Medical Checkup duluan)

Holla, I am back again with one of the WHV posts! In this post, I will explain to you how to get a HAP ID before lodging visa to VFS or Embassy. Jadi apa sih HAP ID itu? HAP ID adalah nomor yang diberikan oleh embassy sebagai salah satu syarat medical checkup. Biasanya, proses medical checkupnya itu seperti ini: Lodge visa -> embassy akan memberikan HAP ID dalam beberapa hari -> setelah mendapatkan HAP ID, kamu medical checkup -> Embassy akan mereview hasil medcheck -> visa granted Proses diatas tidak akan begitu bermasalah kalau kamu nggak terburu2 atau kalau di kota kamu ada rumah sakit yang bekerja sama dengan Australian Embassy. Tapi kalau kamu terburu2 untuk mendapatkan visa atau kalau kamu tinggal di luar kota, aku saranin untuk daftar HAP ID dulu supaya nggak bolak balik. It goes like this: Daf tar online dan dapat HAP ID instantly -> medical checkup -> lodge visa -> embassy mereview hasil medcheck -> granted Nah kalau menggunakan cara per...

Proses WHV (Work and Holiday Visa Australia)

Hello, back again with me Megga yayyyyy! Finally a post about my timeline of Work and Holiday Visa making! Since this post is for Indonesian, I will write in Indonesian ;) one two three PUFF! Nah, di post ini aku mau share timeline aku dalam pembuatan visa Work and Holiday Australia. Untuk sekarang, Work and Holiday visa untuk warga negara Indonesia hanya bisa di Australia yaaa. Untuk syarat Work and Holiday Visa, dapat dicek di web imigrasi or stated as below: Telah berusia 18 tahun atau belum berusia 30 tahun pada saat pengajuan permohonan surat rekomendasi; Memiliki kualifikasi setingkat perguruan tinggi, atau telah menjalani pendidikan di perguruan tinggi setidak-tidaknya 2 (dua) tahun pendidikan; Belum pernah mengikuti program bekerja dan berlibur sebelumnya; Memiliki paspor yang berlaku sekurang-kurangnya 12 bulan; Memiliki tingkat kemahiran berbahasa Inggris sekurang-kurangnya tingkat fungsional; Tidak disertai oleh anak-anak di bawah umur; Memiliki sejumlah dana seha...

Lessons Learned

My mind is so fucked up lately. But you know what? I think I already get used to it. I feel better, even though it still hurts sometimes especially when I wake up. I feel this hole on my heart, it used to belong to someone. Now it's gone but it's healing. There are a lot of things that I learnt. ♡  Never expect anything when you stop expecting, you'll feel peace. We don't expect anything in return. We love, we care, we help without any expectation. We do it 100% purely because we want to, not because we want to be loved in return. ♡   Love yourself When we love ourselves, we are unbeatable. We won't be broken-hearted. Because when you love yourself, we respect ourselves. We let people to love us more by doing this. We won't let anybody break our precious heart (hahaha) ♡   There are things that are not meant to happen "Hardwork never betrays."  Yea, we all know that. But there are things, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much b...

It's COLDPLAY everybody!

I just found out a month or so, I have my favourite band now! I'm listening to their songs a lottttt lately. It's coldplay yayyy  It was a really long journey to make me fond of this group. I knew some of their hit songs such as paradise, the scientist, viva la vida, yellow since years ago. But i didn't really see myself as someone who would go to their concert! This realization started a month or two months ago maybe. I had a new co-worker. She was heedful and she knew that I was having bad days and something was troubling me. Then at our night shifts, we would play yellow or the scientist. Then other songs. And now I am completely head over heels about coldplay. I bought their singapore concert tickets! Can't wait yay  I didn't get the first show tickets which will be held on the 1st of April 2017. It sold out in an hour or so! I couldn't even get to their website  fortunately because of the fast sold-out response, they decided to do one more sho...